Volunteer Opportunities for YOU

Making our church a home is so important. It's also essential to make our guests feel at home when they're with us. Anyone can join the hospitality team and serve with very little training. We would love to have you.

Ministry Description: Nothing says, "Welcome!" like a cup of hot coffee and a snack. Everyone loves the connection table. This team will make the coffee, set up snacks, arrange the connection table, and put things away afterward.
Skills Needed: None, but great Tetris skills wouldn't hurt as you arrange the snacks and the table. We will teach you how to make the coffee with our machine, it's easy.
Time Needed: We like to set things up 10-15 minutes before people get there; the team member should be there approximately 20-30 minutes before church starts.

Ministry Description: We want everyone to walk into our church home and know we're excited they showed up. This team hangs out in the lobby before service starts to open doors for people and warmly welcomes them. They also help direct any guest to areas they need to find and are willing to serve people.
Skills Needed: Friendly, willing to engage conversationally, eager to listen, and smiling is your favorite (just like the movie Elf).
Time Needed: We want to be in place at least 20 minutes before the service starts to greet the first person walking through the doors.

Ministry Description: We used to call this our "Fellas with Brellas," but this team is not just for the fellas. Since it rains so much here, we think it's always kind to help people get into the building without getting soaked.
Skills Needed: If you are friendly and can hold an umbrella and walk someone into a building, this is a great place to serve.
Time Needed: If you're on this team, we ask you to be ready at a drop of rain notice. It's hard to schedule this team, but we have umbrellas for you if you're available when it's raining. Just sign up today.

Ministry Description: We have the pleasure of creating a fantastic atmosphere. This team's goal is to set our round tables up and keep them beautiful and functional. We also like to change up our stage every now and then. Finally, decorating the church at times or creating new things. The world is our creative oyster.
Skills Needed: Love and ability to design, create, build, or put things together. If you like creating, home decor, crafting, decorating, building things, or making things look awesome...this is the team for you.
Time Needed: No set time, but we can start and add projects depending on our time as a team.