Real life happens every day. Don't face it alone.
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Get the scoop on when and where we meet
Service times, directions, & what to expect upon your first visit to City Gate Church
Who we are, where we come from, and where we're headed as a church family
Let us know how we can be praying for you this week
Join the Dream Team that serves at City Gate!
Introductions are in order
Explore the ministry opportunities for your children at City Gate Church
A collection of current and past messages
Online giving is simple and secure
Plus, some tools to help us all grow in our personal relationship with Jesus in 2024.
We are offering two options, please feel free to join one or both.
Ready to take the plunge? Sign up today for this sacred and special event.
Your go-to spot for heartfelt faith chats with The Preacher Girl next door.
What we believe at City Gate Church about Jesus, the Bible, and the Church
Get in touch with City Gate Church directly here
The latest happenings for you & your family at City Gate Church
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