Meet Drew

MOVIE(S): 12 Angry Men, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and almost any superhero movie. I'll also give pretty much any zombie movie a chance even if most of them are crap.
CLEANING/WORKING TUNES: Foo Fighters, Beasty Boys, Greenday, Flogging Molly
BOOK (OTHER THAN THE BIBLE OF COURSE): It depends on my mood, but right now I am enjoying The Hunt for Red October.
SPORTS TEAM: Not the Dallas Cowboys
HOBBIES: I love watching movies, video games, discovering fun new places to eat, and spending time at the coast with my wife.
FEARS: Public speaking
LAST MEAL ON EARTH: A big, big, and I mean BIG steak, baked potato with tons of butter and ice cream (for dessert, not on the baked potato).
A little more about Andrew

Andrew (AKA Drew) came to City Gate Church because some of our people became his friends and invited him. He saw something in them that was genuine and authentic, and it caused him to consider what they believed. He observed and asked questions for a while, and decided to give his life to Christ after a Wednesday night Bible study. The sense of God's presence was so real, and the love of the Heavenly Father touched his heart so strongly that he knew his life would never be the same.
One of our leaders, named Erin, quickly caught his eye at church. They started dating, fell in love, and after Erin's friends (Pastor Taunja and Kristina) convinced her that he wasn't too good to be true, he was able to close the deal. Drew is famous for his corny dad jokes, shaving his beard and leaving weird mustaches to freak his friends out, and taking ridiculous dares - like shoving over 50 frozen tootsie rolls in his mouth at one time. Before he calls it a day on this mortal coil, Drew envisions traveling the world with his wife and together discovering amazing cuisine.
andrew's hope for city gate
My hope for City Gate Church is that we are always a safe place for all that come here. I pray we continue to grow in our relationships with God and with each other.